Exciting Mycoremediation Project in Denmark

Exciting Mycoremediation Project in Denmark

If there’s one thing we love at Fungi Perfecti, it’s seeing how vast the world of applied mycology can be. Earlier this year, Mark Grove of From Grounds to Gourmet (FGTG), a Denmark-based mycological group, reached out for advice on a mycoremediation project after reading Paul Stamets’ Mycelium Running. Mark shared with us FGTG had the opportunity to explore marine mycoremediation techniques during the 2018 Sailing World Championships to explore the question, “Can mushrooms clean water?”

As part of a sustainability initiative occurring during the championship, FGTG setup a 5-meter long boom installation next to a gas station supplying 300 boats. The booms were crafted utilizing leftover substrate with active mycelium from FGTG’s farm and heat-treated straw. The booms floated near the station for two weeks with the hope any accidental fuel spills made during the event would be captured, absorbed, and broken down by the mycelium growing in the substrate. Already familiar with other successful freshwater applications of mycoremediation, FGTG was hopeful mycelium would provide successful remediation in saltwater environments, too.

The group is now working with biologists to measure the effectiveness of this mycoremedition method in clearing petroleum products and other pathogens from marine waters. The goal is to prove this technique works as a simple, cheap, and biodegradable solution to saltwater pollution.

FGTG’s work showcases how mycology can be utilized as part of a circular economy (click here to learn more about their process and here to visit their website) and as part of sustainable efforts to better the planet. Fungi Perfecti is excited to see fellow myconauts searching for ways to harness the power of mycelium for the greater good.

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